SEDA Programs: Deploy Your Oracle

4 min readSep 13, 2024


Oracle Programs contain protocol-defined instructions that dictate how a data-intent is executed on SEDA.

Oracle technology has rapidly evolved to meet industry needs, from legacy push-based designs to SEDA’s intent-centric Oracle Programs. Designed to provide the flexibility, customization, and scalability needs of a modern onchain development environment, Oracle Programs put feed configuration in the hands of developers. New chains and new onchain use cases all require vastly different data needs. SEDA’s permissionless Oracle Programs allow builders to customize Oracle feeds to suit their needs from any network from day one.

What is an Oracle Program?

Oracle Programs act as containers where any protocol or network can define specific instructions for SEDA to follow when executing their data intents. In the same way you would create an ‘order’ for a Pizza Delivery company, Oracle Programs specify the consumers ‘data order.’ Oracle Programs are defined by protocols and stored by the SEDA network as a WASM binary, allowing order instructions to be recalled when executing a request. As SEDA is an open-source network, other protocols can use existing Oracle programs to access a library of configured feeds from day one.

Benefits Of An Oracle Program

Primarily, Oracle Programs give developers control over how their data needs are provided. In the same way the traditional Pizza Delivery shops offer a preset list of pizzas available, SEDA’s programs are more like an infinite list of ingredients. Developers create their orders by defining:

  1. What data they need.
  2. Where data should be sourced.
  3. How data should be filtered and aggregated.

Where legacy Oracle designs are restricted by the data feeds available to a few use cases, SEDA allows any project to hyper-specialize its feeds for any data type. Oracle Programs empower developers to build the data feeds necessary for their use case, not build use cases around preset data feeds.

Intent-Centric: Data intents power configuration as protocols define data instructions such as what data is needed, where it comes from, and how it is returned. Legacy models return data according to default settings restricting use case specialization.

Pull Based: Typical legacy oracles operate via a slow and costly push-based model, where SEDA only ‘pulls’ data onchain per request, allowing data providers to leverage custom pricing models directly between themselves and consumers.

Scalable: Oracle Programs can be leveraged by anyone on any chain, whether they deploy their own programs or use existing ones. In the case of DeFi, where protocols need price feeds, SEDA programs can create instant access to 50,000+ price feeds without integrating entire Oracle stacks.

Upgradeable: Open-source software allows original program builders to seamlessly update their instructions or for other protocols to fork an existing program and edit instructions as needed.

Oracle Program Proof-Of-Concepts

Chain-Abstraction: Oracle Programs are particularly beneficial for networks that need to verify solver transaction outcomes. Any network can deploy a program defining what chains it needs to verify and which sources, such as RPCs, Indexers, or Zklight clients. This allows solvers to prove the transaction outcomes and unlock resources such as fees and liquidity for their services.

Interoperability: Similarly, interoperability projects can mitigate the need to redeploy their entire tech stacks over several months to new networks. With an interop oracle program, any interop protocol can reach any current or new future chain to connect its offering. SEDA connects 31,150 current chain-to-chain pathways between 250+ networks.

Raas: Raas projects such as Caldera mitigate the complexities of blockchain deployment. However, one of the most significant restrictions for new networks is the need for day-one access to data, stifling onchain developments. Raas Oracle Programs can allow builders a one-click rollup deployment with instant access to any data type.

Oracle Programs’ configurable design allows any use case to build a program specific to the application. As more and more use cases are brought onchain, more specialized Oracle Programs will be deployed, creating an arsenal of accessible programs for future protocols.




SEDA is a modular data layer that allows any blockchain to configure & interact with custom data feeds for price data, RPC data, or any available API endpoint.